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Opening Safely: A Call To Fellow Small Business Owners

Over the course of the current pandemic, there has been an earnest desire to support small businesses. As small businesses, we’ve trumpeted our care for our community. And as we begin to consider reopening, let’s be sure we continue showing the community that we care by opening responsibly.

How can we as small business owners take the lead and prepare to safely do business within our communities?

Here’s some inspiration as we think through reopening plans: What if there is an employee who shows no symptoms of coronavirus but is actually a carrier? And what if our grandparents are our best customers? What does safety look like in this situation?

Following are some questions to ask as we prepare to move toward opening:

  • Spreading out- We have a small office and before the “stay-at-home” orders, it was common for us to pile in one office to brainstorm a solution for a client. This won’t happen again for a while. Can your company stagger work schedules, allowing employees to work in shifts or work remotely on certain days? Our team will be working on a rotating basis to help us keep a safe distance between each other.

  • Masks- The CDC is recommending that we wear masks when we are in situations where social distancing is difficult. Stock up on those masks! You might even consider getting some masks that are branded for your business. As a business owner, you’ll want to supply these to your team and maybe even your customers. Please note, if you require mask usage, you will need a plan that is OSHA-compliant.

  • Contactless service- How can you reduce the human contact in your business? Can you provide a drop box outside your place of business? Can you offer curbside service? Can you just MAIL the product to your customer? Are there aspects of your business you can keep remote? Our company will continue to meet remotely with clients for a while after our local restrictions lift.

  • Keeping It Clean- Regularly disinfecting surfaces and hands goes a long way in keeping our companies safe. Consider a regular deep clean from a company like SERVPRO of Henry and Randolph Counties who specializes in cleaning to combat harmful viruses including COVID-19. Supply each staff member with a bottle of hand sanitizer, and make sure your disinfectant wipes are stocked for regular wipe-downs of printers, refrigerator handles, and more. At our office, we’re replacing our trash can with a pedal-open can and even changing to disposable dishes for a little while.

How are you preparing to open your company? Take every step you can now to prepare to open safely. Our communities are depending on us to keep them safe. And because our customers often come to feel like family members, we are taking every step possible to care for them and protect them—just like family!


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